Synthetic Test Data for eInjury Fields in National EMS Information System
This dataset provides completely synthetic test data for evaluating injury-related
functions in the nemsqar
package. It includes key variables related to the
cause of injury, trauma triage criteria, vehicular risk factors, and height of falls.
The dataset is intended to assist users in testing the expected input structure
for injury-related measures.
A data frame with 10,000 rows and 8 variables:
- Incident Patient Care Report Number - PCR (eRecord.01)
Unique identifier for the incident report (character).
- Incident Date
Date of the incident (Date).
- Injury Cause of Injury (eInjury.01)
General description of the cause of injury (character).
- Injury Cause Of Injury Description And Code List (eInjury.01)
Detailed description and coding of injury causes (character).
- Injury Trauma Center/Triage Criteria (Steps 1 and 2) List (eInjury.03)
List of trauma triage criteria met in Steps 1 and 2 (character).
- Injury Vehicular Pedestrian Or Other Injury Risk Factor/Triage Criteria (Steps 3 and 4) (eInjury.04)
Primary vehicular or other risk factors for injury (character).
- Injury Vehicular Pedestrian Or Other Injury Risk Factor/Triage Criteria (Steps 3 and 4) List (eInjury.04)
Detailed list of vehicular or pedestrian injury risk factors (character).
- Injury Height Of Fall In Feet (eInjury.09)
Height of fall in feet when applicable (numeric).
Users are encouraged to test these functions with this dataset, but results should not be interpreted as meaningful. Some outputs may be nonsensical, which is expected since this data is only intended to demonstrate the expected structure of input data.
#> # A tibble: 6 × 8
#> Incident Patient Care Report Number -…¹ `Incident Date` Injury Cause of Inju…²
#> <chr> <date> <chr>
#> 1 NyXFBlJfnm-8333586176 2023-05-27 Other and unspecified…
#> 2 XTLCINMLTP-8616021114 2023-10-14 Stabbed/Cut by sharp …
#> 3 HfYjlIEQSk-9529756610 2023-07-07 Electrocution from el…
#> 4 MOwVDhriyC-5915613206 2023-05-13 Motorcycle driver inj…
#> 5 ZCGOtLEPKw-7820135532 2023-11-24 Parachutist accident
#> 6 fEMvUCQCRQ-9052388486 2023-01-12 Fall from other furni…
#> # ℹ abbreviated names:
#> # ¹`Incident Patient Care Report Number - PCR (eRecord.01)`,
#> # ²`Injury Cause of Injury (eInjury.01)`
#> # ℹ 5 more variables:
#> # `Injury Cause Of Injury Description And Code List (eInjury.01)` <chr>,
#> # `Injury Trauma Center/Triage Criteria (Steps 1 and 2) List (eInjury.03)` <chr>,
#> # `Injury Vehicular Pedestrian Or Other Injury Risk Factor/Triage Criteria (Steps 3 and 4) (eInjury.04)` <chr>, …