Synthetic ePatient Data from the National Emergency Medical Services Information System (NEMSIS)
This dataset provides synthetic patient information from the
ePatient section of the National Emergency Medical Services Information
System (NEMSIS). It contains example patient demographics and scene-related
details that can be used for testing various functions within the nemsqar
package. Users are encouraged to test these functions with this dataset, but
results should not be interpreted as meaningful. Some outputs may be
nonsensical, which is expected since this data is only intended to
demonstrate the expected structure of input data.
A tibble with 10,000 rows and 6 variables:
Incident Patient Care Report Number - PCR (eRecord.01)
(chr) Unique identifier for the patient care report.
Incident Date
(date) The date of the EMS incident.
Patient Age (ePatient.15)
(dbl) Patient's age at the time of the incident.
Patient Age Units (ePatient.16)
(chr) The units of measurement for patient age (e.g., Years, Months, Hours, etc.).
Patient Date Of Birth (ePatient.17)
(date) The patient's date of birth.
Patient Gender (ePatient.13)
(chr) The patient's gender as recorded in the EMS report.
The data in this table are entirely synthetic and intended solely for testing purposes. These data do not represent real patients, incidents, or outcomes and should not be used for research or operational decision-making.
#> Rows: 10,000
#> Columns: 6
#> $ `Incident Patient Care Report Number - PCR (eRecord.01)` <chr> "NyXFBlJfnm-8…
#> $ `Incident Date` <date> 2023-12-20, …
#> $ `Patient Age (ePatient.15)` <dbl> 98, 75, 24, 1…
#> $ `Patient Age Units (ePatient.16)` <chr> "Minutes", "D…
#> $ `Patient Date Of Birth (ePatient.17)` <date> 2023-12-19, …
#> $ `Patient Gender (ePatient.13)` <chr> "Male to Fema…