Filters data down to the target populations for Pediatrics-03B, and categorizes records to identify needed information for the calculations.
Identifies key categories related to diabetes/hypoglycemia incidents in an EMS dataset, specifically focusing on cases where 911 was called for diabetes/hypoglycemia distress, certain medications were administered, and a weight is taken. This function segments the data into pediatric populations, computing the proportion of cases that have a documented weight.
df = NULL,
patient_scene_table = NULL,
response_table = NULL,
exam_table = NULL,
medications_table = NULL,
incident_date_col = NULL,
patient_DOB_col = NULL,
- df
A data frame or tibble containing emergency response records. Default is
.- patient_scene_table
A data.frame or tibble containing only ePatient and eScene fields as a fact table. Default is
.- response_table
A data.frame or tibble containing only the eResponse fields needed for this measure's calculations. Default is
.- exam_table
A data.frame or tibble containing only the eExam fields needed for this measure's calculations. Default is
.- medications_table
A data.frame or tibble containing only the eMedications fields needed for this measure's calculations. Default is
.- erecord_01_col
Column for unique EMS record identifiers.
- incident_date_col
Column that contains the incident date. This defaults to
as it is optional in case not available due to PII restrictions.- patient_DOB_col
Column that contains the patient's date of birth. This defaults to
as it is optional in case not available due to PII restrictions.- epatient_15_col
Column giving the calculated age value.
- epatient_16_col
Column giving the provided age unit value.
- eresponse_05_col
Column containing the EMS response codes.
- eexam_01_col
Column containing documented weight information.
- eexam_02_col
Another column for weight documentation, if applicable.
- emedications_03_col
Column indicating medication administration.
- emedications_04_col
Column listing medications administered.
A list that contains the following:
a tibble with counts for each filtering step,
a tibble for each population of interest
a tibble for the initial population
a tibble for the total dataset with computations
# create tables to test correct functioning
patient_table <- tibble::tibble(
erecord_01 = c("R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", "R5"),
incident_date = as.Date(c("2025-01-01", "2025-01-05",
"2025-02-01", "2025-01-01",
patient_dob = as.Date(c("2000-01-01", "2020-01-01",
"2023-02-01", "2023-01-01",
epatient_15 = c(25, 5, 2, 2, 55), # Ages
epatient_16 = c("Years", "Years", "Years", "Years", "Years")
response_table <- tibble::tibble(
erecord_01 = c("R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", "R5"),
eresponse_05 = rep(2205001, 5)
exam_table <- tibble::tibble(
erecord_01 = c("R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", "R5"),
eexam_01 = c(60, 59, 58, 57, 56),
eexam_02 = c("Red", "Purple", "Grey", "Yellow", "Orange")
medications_table <- tibble::tibble(
erecord_01 = c("R1", "R2", "R3", "R4", "R5"),
emedications_03 = rep("stuff", 5),
emedications_04 = c("Inhalation", "pill", "liquid", "pill", "liquid"),
# test the success of the function
result <- pediatrics_03b_population(patient_scene_table = patient_table,
response_table = response_table,
exam_table = exam_table,
medications_table = medications_table,
erecord_01_col = erecord_01,
incident_date_col = incident_date,
patient_DOB_col = patient_dob,
epatient_15_col = epatient_15,
epatient_16_col = epatient_16,
eresponse_05_col = eresponse_05,
emedications_03_col = emedications_03,
emedications_04_col = emedications_04,
eexam_01_col = eexam_01,
eexam_02_col = eexam_02
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 1 of 9 tasks] ●●●●──────────…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 2 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●──────…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 3 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●●●●───…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 4 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 5 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 6 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 7 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 8 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●…
#> Running `pediatrics_03b_population()` [Working on 9 of 9 tasks] ●●●●●●●●●●●●●●…
# show the results of filtering at each step
#> # A tibble: 6 × 2
#> filter count
#> <chr> <int>
#> 1 Meds not missing 5
#> 2 Non-Weight Based Meds 1
#> 3 Documented Weight 5
#> 4 911 calls 5
#> 5 Peds denominator 3
#> 6 Total dataset 5